By May it was clear that 2020 would not be a regular cruising season. We all had our boats in the water though; and slowly but surely, we started to find places to go and defined social distancing rules we were comfortable with. Members were challenged to submit pictures of the sun rising and setting. Thank you to all who have submitted
pictures. Over 130 pictures were uploaded to our club DropBox. A best sunrise and best sunset picture were selected
from these. Winners were honored at our online Change of Watch.
Sunrise pictures are few and far between as it is often very early to get up and watch the day’s awakening. Unlike the
chatter, cheering, blowing of a conch shell, or playing of Amazing Grace that accompanies sunsets, sunrise watchers
simply raise a cup of coffee to acknowledge each other and the beauty of the day starting. There are a few early risers in our club and one of them is Paul Dara. Paul’s picture of a calm Lloyd Harbor on July 4th was selected as the
winner of the Sunrise pictures.
Selecting a winner in the sunset category was not that easy. There were some exceptional entries by Bones II, Escape
Plan, Exhale, Frankie Anne, Late Harvest, Luna, Morgana, Nels’ Belle II, Optimistic, Relentless, Risky Sunsets, Water Music, Whirlaway, and Wind Surfer. Pictures taken by this group were all in the conversation and it took some
time to pare it down to the final three or four pictures. In the end, the committee unanimously voted on the picture
taken by Valerie Link (Escape Plan) at Danfords in Port Jefferson.
Thank you to all who participated and submitted pictures. Congratulations to the winners!